Friday is Here Again

A lot going on today. Work had another report printed. Ate at Wendy’s with the boss which was odd. Kit is on her way down as I type this. She’s headed into Memphis right now and then headed south. Mike is on his way over and then we’re going to go eat.

Also, I got comics done for next week the last two days. EA is ready and uploaded and Mailbox is ready and uploaded. I feel better since I got those done. Also, I’m looking at my coloring technique a bit. There may be something I can do to change the way I do my shading. I’m not sure though. I did find an interesting way to force the art to blend more but I’m terrified I’m going to over use it or use to harsh a gradient and make the whole thing look like crap. I’m an artist and therefore my own worst critic. Except for one of my friend’s brothers. He told me to quit because I suck. 13 years later and I’m still chugging along. šŸ™‚

Updates on here may beĀ sporadicĀ at best till after the holidays so if I’m not on till after that I hope you all have a really great New Year’s. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.